coffee varietiesTake a second and ask yourself what “coffee” has in common with:

  • Beer
  • Wine
  • Cheese

Time’s up!  They’re all common nouns describing many variants.

Think about it.

The words “beer,” “wine,” and “cheese,” represent classes of highly unique variations.  Each of these names represents collections of variants highlighting specific characteristics and attributes enthusiasts recognize.


science of coffeeDid you know 59% of Americans drink a cup of coffee every day, and it often plays a big role in the working person’s world. It’s no surprise that its benefits have been studied over and over again. Not only does coffee help you be more productive at the office, but it’s also been proven to help fight against the risks of heart conditions, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease.


coffeeLast week, our Java Geniuses presented you with a slew of common coffee misconceptions. How do these myths impact your coffee service? Well, if your years in the customer service industry have taught you anything, it’s that a well-angled news story makes for a relentless riot of inquisitive customers.

It is a responsibility you inherit with business management – explaining any rumors that arise regarding your product. This assures the safety and satisfaction of all your customers.

So, with that being said, here are two more common coffee myths that, we believe, require proper clarification from a professional brewer.

The Darker The Roast, The Stronger The Coffee

If you have a sign by your dark roast coffee that claims “stronger caffeine content,” take it down. It is a common misconception that gourmet coffee roasted to a darker degree is stronger, and therefore contains higher caffeine content. In fact, dark roast coffee contains less caffeine than lighter roasts – the roasting process burns off beans’ original caffeine content.


office coffee breakCompanies all across the country are starting to offer more incentive packages such as paying for you to take a vacation, free food, work from home hours and even longer maternity and paternity leave time.  While many of those take time to cut through the red tape, there is still one simple way to really make an impact now for your employees; an office coffee station.