healthy habit Tag

Quality Express Coffee / Posts tagged "healthy habit"

why coffee is life

If we were stranded on a desert island, we know we’d survive as long as we had coffee. Sure, a tent and some water filtration would be helpful, but coffee is a must.

And we know we’re not alone. With exception of chocolate and wine, there’s nothing that inspires our creative juices and makes it worth getting out of bed like hot, delicious coffee.

Whether we’re sipping a fresh cup in the office to get our brains working or enjoying it with a slice of cheesecake as the day winds down, coffee is an integral part of our day.

start new healthy habit

Tired of eating salad? Is going to the gym the absolutely last thing you want to do after a long day of work? Is stress making it hard for you to function?

Getting healthy and keeping those New Year’s resolutions doesn’t have to be stressful. There’s one easy habit that can make a big difference in your health. And the good news is that you may already be doing it!

Harvard researchers found that people who drink a moderate amount of high quality coffee each day can see big benefits when it comes to some serious diseases.