Are You Paying Too Much For Your Office Coffee Service?

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Are You Paying Too Much For Your Office Coffee Service?


coffee profitCoffee does amazing things to the work place- it triggers employees’ “on” mode, giving them the mental fuel to fly through their days. Office coffee services have become a staple because of this. Companies are realizing the major benefits of having coffee stocked in their office, at all times. So these full-service, office coffee carriers are taking a big leap in business – but many of them are overcharging their customers and under delivering on value.

If you’ve got a coffee service on hand already, think about how much money youve put in to office coffee expenses. Do you replace your machines every time they malfunction? Do you re-stock cups, straws and sugars? If you’ve been dipping into coffee related expenses outside of your service, then it may be time to start re-thinking the partnership.

An office coffee service is called a “service” for a reason – it’s supposed to cover more than just a single product. Your office coffee service should cover all of the expenses that go along with the purchase of their coffee. This includes machine costs, coffee additive costs (your sugars, creamers, straws and cups) and the rapid, reliable delivery of both.

The fact is, although the initial price of your coffee service may seem low, you’ve got to weigh long-term input versus long-term output. Your service may be providing you with a monthly coffee supply, but are they caring for your machines, covering the costs of repair and replacement? Are they solving your inventory problems, and ensuring all cups, creamers and sugars are regularly stocked?

If your continually pouring your own personal time, money and energy into coffee supplies, while also purchasing from your coffee service, then your input rate flies well over your output rate – you’re getting coffee, but what about everything else it takes to keep your office functioning and your employees satisfied?

Below are the costs of operating with a “just coffee” vendor, or those that offer limited services – the projected prices may jolt you into a change of heart about your coffee carrier.

  1. Office size: 1-10 employees: A company this size typically requires 1 K-cup machine, 2 cases of coffee, and all the additional fixings – cups, lids, sugar, creamer. In total, that equals about 65 cents per cup, or a gross amount of $50 – $150 per month.
  2. Office size: 10-40 employees: This office would probably need a plumbed-in machine, 8 cases of coffee, plus all those tasty fixings. You’re looking at $200 – $600 a month to maintain this.
  3. Office size: 40-100 employees: 2 plumbed-in machines, 16 cases coffee, cups, lids, fixings: $600 – $1,500 each month.
  4. Office size: 200+ employees: Would you like to take a guess? This type of office usually has a cafatieria type setup which any good coffee service provider will be able to cover.

You may not realize all the additional cash you’re putting into your coffee offering  until you sit down and analyze the budget. Coffee machines and supplies add up very quickly and when you’re operating with a lackluster service, more financial responsibilities fall on you. The point of an office coffee service is to offer a non-monetary  value to your employees, not drain your wallet.

A good coffee service understands all facets of office coffee, and takes on all the responsibilities of fueling your office with caffeine – from physical delivery, installation and maintenance, to re-stock, to financial coverage. For all the effort you put into empowering your workplace, you deserve a service that genuinely wants to reach that goal with you – not just make a quick buck off your monthly caffeine needs.

Get acquainted with the Java Geniuses at Quality Express Coffee, and drink in the relief of a coffee service that invigorates your office without breaking your budget.

Are you looking for a quality office coffee delivery service?  Our Java Geniuses are ready to bring quality coffee to your office, workplace or shop.  Contact our team or call us at 866-452-8228