Ultimate Guide To Gourmet Coffee Storage Freshness Secrets

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Ultimate Guide To Gourmet Coffee Storage Freshness Secrets


coffee beanThere isn’t a java drinker out there who prefers flat, stale coffee to the freshly brewed alternative. If your business offers flat coffee, your employees are going to steer clear of your office coffee service in favor of extended coffee breaks at the nearest café.

You want your office coffee service to brighten the mornings and perk up your workplace, not linger in the corner collecting dust. Flat coffee repels your java drinkers with a magnetic force, but fresh coffee ensures an energized office setting.

How do you go about ensuring fresh coffee for your office beverage service? Follow these coffee storage secrets to find out.

Forego Freezing Tactics

Many people believe that freezing coffee keeps it fresh. This is not entirely true. One of the biggest enemies of fresh coffee is moisture. Here’s why your freezer is not the best place to retain coffee freshness:

1. Absorption

Think of your coffee as a sponge. It absorbs the flavors it is surrounded by. If you stick your coffee in a freezer with crab legs and meatballs, you’re coffee is going to taste like crab legs and meatballs. Your coffee is also going to absorb the moisture your freezer produces. So along with various frozen foods, your coffee is going to have a hint of all-natural freezer flavoring.

2. Oil Breakdown

When coffee is roasted, the beans release oils and essences, which gives the coffee its distinct flavor. Freezing coffee breaks these oils down, stripping your coffee of its complexity and flavor.

Freezer Exceptions

Say you buy your coffee in bulk. You do have an entire office to fuel, after all. Coffee freshness typically lasts two weeks, so if you’ve got abundant beans, portion them out according to weekly caffeine intake patterns at your office.

However, once you take your first portion out of the freezer, do not put it back in. Constant temperature changes wreak havoc on your coffee’s flavor. Instead, seal the remaining coffee portion in an airtight container and store it in your pantry.


You absolutely never want to refrigerate your coffee. The moisture on your coffee melts and is then absorbed into the bean. When you take coffee in and out of the refrigerator, you are repeating that process, essentially watering down your coffee beans. The goal in freezing coffee (if you must) is to keep it away from moisture. Refrigeration massively moisturizes your coffee, expediting flavor deterioration.

Grind Before Serving

The grinding process breaks up coffee beans’ oils and exposes them to dry air. This is beneficial when you brew your coffee right after grinding the beans. However, if you grind your beans and then store your coffee, your coffee is going to be stale regardless of the storage technique.

Valve, Not Vacuum, Sealed

Vacuum-sealed sounds like it would guarantee some pretty fresh coffee, but that’s not always the case.  When coffee is roasted, it releases carbon dioxide. If the coffee is vacuum-sealed while releasing this CO2, the bag containing it is going to burst. For the freshest flavoring, opt for valve-sealed bags. This allows the natural gasses to escape while still preserving the coffee’s flavor.

Fresh coffee makes all the difference in a morning work routine. To guarantee fresh office coffee, you need to implement the correct coffee storage techniques. Avoid moisture, vacuum-sealing and slow grinding to keep coffee freshness preserved to perfection, and your beverage service bustling.

Ready to learn more about storage techniques for ultimate coffee freshness? Click the image below to learn the 7 secerts for improving emaployee morale through coffee and tea services or Cal 215-943-5700 to connect with The Java Geniuses at Quality Express Coffee.